1. Education, culture and social cohesion and changes:

Promotion of non-formal education and promotion of formal education among young people, as well as promotion of civic, cultural and human education; Promotion of cultural heritage, fostering cultural diversity and tradition, creative approaches in encouraging cooperation; Strengthening cooperation and understanding, promotion of ethical values, promotion of the rights of marginalized groups and their inclusion in society; Promotion of the rights of children, women and gender equality and other vulnerable groups.

  1. Production:

Development, education and promotion of audio-visual and other media productions; Promotion of freedom of expression, critical thinking and media literacy; Development of independent production; Educational, informative and promotional campaigns, which include media coverage, children’s production, documentary and news production.

  1. Consulting and improvement of economic policies:

Quality analysis and implementation of sustainable economic policies and contribution to economic growth and development; Regulation and promotion of employment and labor market policies for all citizens, with special emphasis on marginalized groups; Education and promotion of financial literacy.